Jonatan and his dream

My dream is to take care of sheep.

My class today went much better than last week.  The mother showed up to help me.  I had a serious talk with my students about responsibility and cleaning up after themselves.  They all stayed to help clean up.  That was really amazing.  But then two kids started fighting over the broom.  I thanked them both for wanting to help, but informed them that fighting is not permitted under any circumstances.

I introduced them to collages and mixed media this week.  I read them a picture book called The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish.  The illustrations are just amazing and they all sat very quietly and listened to the story (even though I had to translate it to Spanish as I read).  Then we brainstormed a list of all the jobs possible that they could think of.  They began with what was most familiar to them, construction worker, well digger, brick layer, but eventually they had put together quite a thorough list including doctors and teachers and other professionals.  Then they created their own mixed media pieces.  I hadn’t anticipated how exciting it was to them to receive pages from magazines with pictures on them.  They only wanted to glue the photos down.  But once I brought out the paint and the feathers, they quickly got excited about those things as well.  Unfortunately I only had two magazines to share amongst all of them, but they are resourceful kids.  Some went outside and grabbed some leaves.  Some of them didn’t want to paint on top of the magazines, they only painted around them.  To see more photos of their projects click here.